I once heard Paul's epistle to the Romans described as a support letter. In chapter 15 Paul states his intention to visit the believers in Rome and to be helped (supported) by them on his way to a new mission field. The book of Romans is quite a ministry recommendation! If the believers in Rome had any doubts prior to receiving the letter, afterward I'm sure they were confident of Paul's grasp of the gospel of Jesus and his eagerness to share it. Some might even call him qualified! In light of this, I am surprised anew whenever I rediscover Paul's request to the Ephesians.
"...and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel," (Eph. 6:18, NASB)
The apostle Paul himself felt a need for others to pray on his behalf for something at which he seemed to excel! What a testimony to our need for God's grace for all things and His desire to use prayer to administer that grace. As we enter this season of studying and practicing prayer that we might better know God, I want to place our church's missionaries before you for consideration. Here's a pitch!
Does your Community Group have a particular need to practice the art of prayer? Are you looking to expand the boundaries of your communal prayer content? If so, we on the Global Ministries Team would recommend our Adopt-A-Missionary program! Actually, it's not a program, it's more of a suggestion that your Community Group prayerfully consider developing a prayer relationship with one of Christ Community's international partners. If you are interested, please contact me at michael.g.brux@gmail.com. I will provide you with an unadopted missionary as well as share our hopes for how you might support and interact with them throughout the year.
Another pitch!
Are you tired of praying with the SAME people week after week? Are you looking for a change in pace in what you eat on a Sunday night? Introducing Soup and Prayer, a once a month opportunity for prayer and for soup. You bring the prayer, we bring the soup. Just an opportunity to spend focused time in intercession for our missionaries and praise to God for what He is doing around the world.
Last one, I promise!
The Global Ministries Team exists! We strive to keep up with the comings and goings of our missionaries, and to keep them showered in prayer. If you are looking for a way to serve at Christ Community Church, it's a good one! For more information about how to get involved, contact Garret Prestwood at gprestwood@gmail.com.
We pray that each person in our local church body would have a growing prayer relationship with someone Christ Community financially supports. Our money will do little for them if our prayers don't go before it.