
Supporting Kingdom Work at Pregnancy Support Services

Danielle MacLean, CCC Member

My husband and I came to the sobering realization during this most recent COVID surge that I might have to give birth by myself; I’m currently 9-months pregnant and could go into labor any day now! Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, but I’ve definitely cried a few times thinking about this possibility. Not only would he miss the birth of our first child, but I would have to go through labor on my own. It’s a thought that wakes me up with anxiety in the middle of the night.

When I heard the Pregnancy Support Services director, Cindy, share about the women PSS works with, I couldn’t help but think about how much more anxiety-producing it must be to go through your entire pregnancy alone. Not only have I had my husband’s support throughout, but I’ve also had the support of our community here at CCC—friends who constantly ask how I’m feeling, offer anything I might need, and lift me up through prayer and words of encouragement. I've had people who constantly remind me of how the truth of the gospel speaks to the realities of each stage of pregnancy.

For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11

I’m grateful for the community we have here that encourages one another and builds one another up. But I’m grieved that there are so many women out there who find themselves without any such a support network, especially during such a trying time. Pregnancy is filled with unknowns and obstacles. It’s not too hard to imagine why a woman might find herself at the end of her rope, considering terminating her pregnancy. This is why I appreciate our ministry partnership with Pregnancy Support Services.

One of the volunteer activities at PSS is adding post-it notes to pages of the Bible where you  can find encouraging verses and passages. They offer these tagged Bibles to women along with anything they might need, from ultrasounds and social work support to diapers and formula. This is a great representation of the mission at PSS: meeting physical needs while offering the love and hope of Christ to women facing unplanned pregnancies or seeking post-abortion care.

The holistic care that PSS provides to these women makes the opportunity to support their Kingdom work a joyful one. Let us consider together as a church how we might support them—whether through prayer, volunteering, donations, or financial giving—and how our community can love our neighbors in need well.

Sample icon.  Non-specific.

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